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The official MDL exchange rate

Currency Rate Exchange Rate
U.S. Dollar117.8832
Russian Ruble10.1818
Romanian Leu13.8480
Ukrainian Hryvnia10.4314


No of rooms Adress Floor Area, Total / Locative / Kitchen, sq.m. Price / sq.м. Photo Details
1Chisinau, Posta Veche, 6/1149.0/ 18.0/ 14.029400€
2Chisinau, Botanica, 13/1574.0/ 0.0/ 0.065000€
2Chisinau, Buiucani, 9/16/1456.0/ 35.0/ 12.044500€
2Chisinau, Centru, 9/15106.0/ 0.0/ 13.055000€
2Chisinau, Centru, 16/113/1574.0/ 38.0/ 9.065000€
2Chisinau, Ciocana, 3910/10110.0/ 36.0/ 20.065000€